How do you become a certified performance coach in Egypt?

Companies worldwide now are investing in improving their employees' performance to gain maximum revenues. The first way is to take a provocative stance by unearthing or preventing counter-productive methods. And the second way is to correct the performance issues that arise within the organization. The latter is accomplished by recognizing the root cause and implementing a plan of action to fix the problems.


Performance coaches help in building and maintaining effective employee and supervisory relationships while evaluating and addressing developmental needs. A performance coach works with employees and facilitates their acceleration and growth to support them in reaching their maximum potential.  



How to get certified as a performance coach?

The premise of performance coaching in Egypt is increasing lately because of the growing in-line challenges, both professionally and personally. To succeed, individuals need to address and overcome malicious behavior, identify and maximize strengths, set practical and achievable goals, and cultivate a relentless ability to learn. Working with a performance coach can be advantageous on all of these forefronts. If you want to get certified as a professional performance coach, then here is some information for you. 

ICF credentialing

ICF credentialing is important to validate one’s professional and ethical standards as a coach and their commitment towards the clients. ICF Credential will help you to be a credible coach. After receiving your ICF Credential, you can start practicing or joining an organization. In that case, you can immensely benefit from this acknowledgment. There are three levels of credentialing named as ICF ACC, ICF-PCC, and ICF-MCC. You can pick any one of them based on your requirement and expertise.  

Picking an ICF aligned program

The time taken for completing your coach training program depends on the pathway you pick. You can select the ICF-ACSTH pathway or the ICF-ACTP pathway based on the time that you want to invest and the skillset that you want to acquire. While the ICF-ACSTH pathway takes around four weeks for review, the ICF-ACTP path is a bit more elaborate, and it takes at least fourteen weeks to eighteen-weeks for review.  

Completing the coach specific hours and mentor training

Then you need to complete the specified coaching training hours for learning the core ethics of coaching and understanding how to face challenges in the real-time coaching environment. Along with coach-specific training, you also need to complete mentor coaching.

Complete coaching experience

Your coaching experience is not a part of your coach training. You have to complete your coaching experience hours on yourself. Some institutes like CTA provide space and networks where you can practice peer coaching and make your own coaching network to achieve coaching experience.

Application and approval

After you complete your coaching experience, you can apply ICF credentialing depending upon the hours completed. Then you have to take the Coach Knowledge Assessment Test. After cracking the test, your application will be reviewed, and if everything goes right, you will receive ICF Credential.


Contact Coach Transformation Academy to become a certified performance coach in Egypt.



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