What is the Difference between ICF ACC and PCC?
While searching for coach training, we often come across programs dedicated to life coaching, business coaching, career coaching, and more specializations. Yet, many do not know that the International Coach Federation (ICF) does not provide the actual specialization certification. ICF only provides credentialing to graduates in the form of ACC, PCC, or MCC certification. It's also noteworthy that ICF does NOT offer any of its own coach training programs, but it approves other coach training programs and certifies graduates of those training programs. So, how ICF Credentialing works? Understandably, some of us may not be well acquainted with the coaching terms. In this blog, we'll talk about ICF ACC and ICF PCC and their points of differences. What is ICF ACC? ACC stands for Associate Certified Coach and is the first level in ICF Certification. To be an ICF ACC or achieve ICF ACC certification, you have to complete at least 60 coac...